- Master Program of Middle Eastern and Central Asian Studies is combined with Department of Turkish Language and Culture, Department of Arabic Language and Culture, Department of Diplomacy, and Graduate Institute of Russian Studies.
- It is the one and only academic institute in Taiwan which targets Middle Eastern and Central Asian studies. The courses cover Middle Eastern and Central Asian languages, cultures, literature, history, religion, ethnic relations, and the present development of the political economy.
- We expect to cultivate the experts in Middle Eastern and Central Asian affairs and enhance the interactions and cooperation in the academic, cultural, political, economic domains among the Middle East, Central Asia, and Taiwan.
- To cultivate domestic experts in Middle Eastern and Central Asian affairs
- To study the international issues according to the world trends
- To make our academic research globalized
- To construct Taiwanese local perspectives
- To integrate the teaching and research resources
- To enhance the interactions in the academic, cultural, political, and economic domains among the Middle East, Central Asia, and Taiwan
To let our students have comprehensive knowledge about Middle Eastern and Central Asian regions, we integrate multi-college resources and teachers. The major courses are supported by Department of Diplomacy, Graduate Institute of Russian Studies, Department of Arabic Language and Culture, and Department of Turkish Language and Culture. We offer diversified and interdisciplinary courses to train our students and satisfy the domestic needs of such expertise in this field.
- Expertise in Middle Eastern and Central Asian studies
- Capacity of critical thinking and analyzing information
- Capacity of Middle Eastern and Central Asian languages and related practical skills
- Capacity to comment, analyze and compare cultural phenomena.
- Capacity to discover and admire plural cultures and arts in the humanistic spirit
- Background knowledge of the international relations of the Middle East and Central Asia
- Ability to process Middle Eastern and Central Asian affairs
- To model an objective historic interpretation of the Middle East and Central Asia
- Capacity of cross-cultural communication and international negotiation
- Multi-faceted knowledge about Middle Eastern and Central Asian politics, economy, culture, and society